Windows XP: Login problems work around

Despite Windows 10 is knocking on our PC and seems to be the most worldwide used OS (Windows based), there are still a lot of users that use Windows XP. In that PCs, Internet Explorer cannot be updated to the latest release and the old one (IE7 or IE8) often fails. 

TmRecorder now implements a Login form, to work around this problem.

How to login with TmRecorder

  1. Download the latest version of TmRecorder (must be higher that 2.10.2) and run it;
  2. Go to the website, clicking for example on the “Players” button on the left column of the browser.
  3. Click the menu item File->Login
  4. Fill the login form with your username and your password:
  5. Enjoy 🙂

Leonardo Daga

Author of TmRecorder, since 2010

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1 Response

  1. 1 November 2015

    […] Update (2.0): The Action Analysis form has been updated, reporting also the total number of actions. Moreover, a Login Form has been added to try to work around the problem for the Windows XP users that cannot login from the browser (go to Windows XP: Login problems workaround).  […]

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