New Match Page upcoming
Due to the numerous minor bugs to correct on this page, I’ve finally decided to update this page adding new colors and informations. What you see from the screenshot is still to improve (a lot of thing to fix, still) but at least it will show the type of changes that I’m working on.
In the next version of this page, some more information will appears on the match list:
- weather conditions
- pitch conditions
- mentality and attacking styles of both teams
- possibility to enlarge the list to view more columns
In the performances list:
- the goal, injuries, cards showed as images;
- the rec value, if available;
Still in development, a new feature for the analysis of the match is already in a good stage of development. You will know how many actions each player did (as defender or attacker), which ones and if he succeeded or failed in the action. But this feature will be available maybe at the end of the year š